Sunday, 21 March 2010


'Can you question life? Can life question you?'

That quotation from Travelers' Tale's book. Terribly question indeed. I've read that book, so interesting, the writers (comprises 4 authors) told you how love's starting to you in lovely place background (Mostly in Europe). I wouldn't tell you about the story goes, I just wanna share the things that this book purposed. Love, someone's made u crushed on her/him, then they give you wings to fly away through the sky even out. Their made your day brightness, though there's many ways to get you down. Really beautiful indeed. These stories Inspired me to understand that love is coming in either ways, it happens. Listen to love song feels like you get enough of get-getter day, after you met them. Oh love, you make many scientist's doing silly thing everytime they 'touch' you, you make many childern suddenly smart to create any words than their odds. LOVE. Someone says, Love isn't neither happy nor pain, but also they just needs and wants. Wow, I considered about the love, will they deal with me? Will they assure me about the happiness? Mouth will answer with uncertainty, but the time will answer with the truth. I dreamed of going overseas to find out how much things that I missed to know, also seeing the foreigner kisses freely without inhibited. Every country has their own story, sweet, amazing, also biting. Many people going overseas with unintentional meets their 'another heart', everywhere you go, everywhere you find love. But how about the complicated? Ya, they should be responsible for their risk to love. For me love is amazing, amzing for the happiness, amazing for the pain. That's the risk I got. Love seems like a coincidence, but not at all. They still have some doubt, with all fucking reason to leave. Love makes own maze to make the sweeters sometime high, but not rarely make you down. Is there any daring to confess the truth? I know it's really hard even if mouth bend to speak. Don't be lying. If you are not ready to confess, do not lie. However the eyes never be lied, dude. It isn't a coincidence like the love do. It's sign that you wouldn't lied with your behaviour.

Wherever you are, how I wonder how you are..


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Panorama en México!

Dibelahan dunia sana memang tersimpan banyak banget misteri yang selama ini menjadi incaran para ilmuan buat dikemukakan, salah satunya ada di negara Amerika Latin, México. Tepatnya di daerah Cenote Angelita terdapat sebuah 'sungai' cantik dibawah lautan. It's totally wowed me! God made many wonderful things, one of them unbelievable. Kalo para pembaca ada yang suka Diving, u must dive this area! I wonder how beautiful that place. Unfortunately, I've never been go there, if I have any chance? I will. Jadi, terdapat sebuah gua yang jika diselami sampai kedalaman 30 meter, airnya adalah air tawar, namun jika menyelam sampai pada kedalaman lebih dari 60 meter, airnya menjadi air asin. Di dasarnya terdapat sebuah “sungai” lengkap dengan pohon dan dedaunan. Namun, tentu saja itu bukanlah sungai biasa karena sungai tersebut merupakan lapisan hidrogen sulfida sehingga nampak seperti sungai.

This will make you amazed!



Friday, 5 March 2010

Aspiring a writer, why not?

beberapa hari belakangan ini saya memperhatikan banyaknya anak-anak muda yang suka meng-'gombal' di beberapa kesempatan mereka menulis. entah itu di notes Facebook, simple quotation di Twitter, ato bahkan menulis diam-diam. Saya salah satu diantaranya. "Apa sih nikmatnya nulis? mending gue langsung ngomong" itu beberapa argumen dari teman-teman saya. Saya juga berkomentar, "gue juga bingung, tapi yang gue tau, nulis itu gak kenal waktu, gak kaya ngomong, berbicara ada batasnya, masa udah tengah malem lo pada masih mau ngomong? bahkan sampe teriak-teriak, yang ada sendal pak RT bakal nimbrung di rumah lo", dalam susunan keluarga saya sih, gak ada yang bakat menulis, tapi saya suka. Why not? dimulai dari gambar-gambar komik ga jelas dari kecil sampai sekarang sedikit demi sedkit menulis dengan teratur. somehow, ketika saya membaca tulisan-tulisan entah karangan siapa, saya jadi berkeinginan keras menjadi penulis, kenapa ya? padahal kalo dipikir-pikir kerjanya hanya seharian didepan laptop, ditemani secangkir kopi, dan membosankan. "iya juga.." tapi saya melihat respon teman-teman saya setelah membaca beberapa cerita atau novel, dimana mereka benar-benar menghayati cerita yang disuguhkan. "wow, segitunya kah effect sipenulis?" How to make everyone be expressed and love to the plot. cool, right?

Ya, nambah satu lagi impian saya, next apa lagi ya? nanti ajalah saya pikirkan, so now I'm aspiring to be an author, do you? :D